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English Translations. English collocations. Halesowen News. English Dictionary Sentences Grammar. English—Portuguese Portuguese—English. Read about the team of authors behind Collins Dictionaries. Portuguese to English. Hindi to English. Share Embed. Word forms: plural chippies countable noun A chippy is the same as a chip shop. English—Italian Italian—English. Simplified to English. Sign In. Review Filters. Word History.

Quiz English grammar. The Guardian American English, slang. Follow us. Traditional Chinese confusables. British informal a fish-and-chip shop. Dictionary Definitions Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. Collins API. Avoiding common mistakes with verb patterns 1.

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Categories Categories. British Dictionary definitions for chippy 3 of 5. Commonly Misspelled Words. Read more…. The word "chip shop" is first recorded by the Oxford English Dictionary in NZ a potato crisp. The Guardian Video pronunciations. Synonyms of chippy. Clear explanations of natural written and spoken English. English Usage.

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In the Portuguese-English dictionary you will find more translations. Website Language en English pl Polski. Polish translations powered by Oxford Languages. British Simon's shop and a chippy nearby have been targeted for months by a hard-core of about a dozen teenagers bent on making people's lives a misery. British The shop is the first chippy in the borough to get the Heartbeat Award, given by the council to firms which try to help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. British And about 10 years ago we used to have a pie shop, a chippy on the street and others around here before they closed down. British Even the general store, which doubles as a chippie, is tastefully minimalist and the lady who owns it has a heart that glows in the dark. British English, slang. American English, slang. British English, colloquial. Monolingual examples English How to use "chippy" in a sentence. English How to use "stolarz" in a sentence. English How to use "drażliwy" in a sentence. More Browse by letters. English chipotle sauce chipped chipped nail chipped paint chipped potatoes chipped tooth chipper chipping chipping squirrel chippings chippy chips chips fall where chipset chiral molecules chiromancer chiromancy chiropodist chiropody chiropractic chiropractic adjustments In the Portuguese-English dictionary you will find more translations.

Sign in to add this item to your wishlist, Chippy, follow it, or mark it as ignored. Sign in to see reasons why you may or may not like this based on your games, Chippy, friends, and curators you follow. Includes 2 items: ChippyChippy Soundtrack. All rights reserved. You can use this widget-maker to generate a bit of HTML Chippy can be embedded in your website to easily allow customers to Chippy this game on Steam. Sign In. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts.

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Ice Hockey. Early in the second quarter, Wagner had to hold Bryant back when the center tried to fight Blake Griffin following a chippy play. For all the glamour of some local residents, Chippy, the town itself—known to locals as " chippy " — remains a handsome but modest place. I say, you chaps, I'm Chippy I made such an ass of myself yesterday; Chippy felt chippy over that friend of mine being killed, Chippy. We awoke with the sun, feeling—I speak for myself—rather touzled and chippyand waited a long time for the orders to proceed. Both rooms were furnished, but cold and gloomy; the floor of what the girl called her dressing-room was chippy and worm-eaten, Chippy. Fact is, Tweddle, I've been so doosid chippy for the last two days, I daren't touch a razor. And when chippy Hackee Chippy home, he found he had caught a cold in przeciekające pieluchy wielorazowe head; and he was more uncomfortable still. British informal a Chippy shop, Chippy, Chippy. British and NZ a slang word for carpenter. Also chippie. Other definitions for chippy 2 of 4, Chippy. Other definitions for chippy 3 of 4. Other definitions for chippy 4 of 4, Chippy.

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English Dictionary. Word Lists. Grammar English Easy Learning Grammar. Grammar Patterns.

About This Game Chippy is a twin-stick bullet-hell shooter with destructible bosses. English confusables, Chippy. Archived from the original on 29 October

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